Doclime Help Center
Navigate through the Doclime help center by using the sidebar on the right.
Getting started
In this section we will show you how to get started with Doclime.
Create an account by clicking Sign Up in the top right corner
Verify your email address by clicking the link we send you
Upload your first document and start chatting!
Note: Each section below will guide you through these steps in detail. If you need help at any point, don't hesitate to contact our support team.
Create an account
To create a Doclime account:
Visit and click the Sign Up button in the top right corner
Enter your name, email address and choose a secure password
Click on the blue "Sign up" button
Note: After signing up, you'll need to verify your email address before you can start using Doclime. Check your inbox for the verification link.
Verify email
After signing up, you'll receive an email from [email protected] containing a verification link.
Click on the verification link in the email
Your email will be automatically verified
You can now start using our AI platform!
Note: If you don't receive the verification email or have trouble verifying your email, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll verify your email manually.
Send your first message
You can start chatting with our AI in two ways:
Type your question or message directly into the input text box at the bottom of the screen
Click one of the predefined question suggestions displayed on the screen
If you want to chat about a specific document, simply upload it and it will automatically open in the viewer on the left side of the screen. You can then start asking questions about your document's content.
Account management
In order to use Doclime to its full potential, you need to upgrade to a pro account. In this section, we will show you how to upgrade your account, cancel your subscription, and delete your account. You are free to cancel your subscription anytime, no questions asked.
Upgrade subscription to pro
There are three ways to upgrade your account to pro:
Click the Upgrade to Pro button in the bottom left corner
Click on your profile picture in the top left corner, then select Billing
Visit our upgrade page directly
Once on the upgrade page, enter your payment information to complete the checkout process.
Note: All payments are securely processed by Stripe, Inc. We do not store any credit card information on our servers.
Cancel subscription
To cancel your subscription:
Visit the Billing page
Click the blue Cancel subscription button
Note: You can cancel your monthly subscription anytime, without any questions asked.
Delete account
To delete your account:
Visit the Profile page
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the account deletion section
Click the red Yes, delete my account button
Data management
With Doclime, you have two ways to interact with our AI:
Use our AI models directly without any documents
Upload your own documents to:
Ask specific questions about your documents
Get answers backed by document content
In this section, we will show you how to upload and manage your documents.
Upload documents
There are two ways to upload documents to Doclime:
Go to the left sidebar and click on My Library, then click the blue Upload PDF button
Click the Upload PDF button located under the chat input text box and select your PDFs
Delete documents
To delete a document from your library:
Go to My Library in the left sidebar or visit
Find the document you want to delete and click Edit on the right side of its row
In the panel that opens on the right, click the red Delete button
Note: If you are still having trouble, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help.